We offer fully integrated promotions, project based services, maximum flexibility, client-agency integration across all touch points and a transparent business-like approach to agency fees.
Integrated Services:

Retail Merchandising
Protecting and gaining new shelf space is essential for all CPG brands.

Mobile Tours & Events
Engage consumers where they live, work and play.

Generate trial, engagement and buzz about your product.

Social Media & Digital
Integrate in consumers daily lives through digital content.

Engage consumers in an entertaining way.

Data Analytics
Quantify marketing investments.
Recent Work
We love our clients and showing off what our team can do!
Fact Sheet
We’ve reached millions of U.S. Hispanics in a variety of unique ways.
We offer fully integrated promotions, project based services, maximum flexibility.
Let’s Collaborate
Have a specific project in mind? A challenge that needs to be addressed? Have questions about Hispanic Retail Marketing?
Let’s discuss your challenges and working together to address your brand’s needs. We are here to guide you.