Fact Sheet
Over the last 20 years we’ve reached millions of U.S. Hispanics in unique ways to create loyalty and awareness. By building relevant promotions the brands we work with become more endeared by our community.
Key Facts:
Years of operation
Retail activations completed
Merchandising visits completed
Mobile tour stops & events completed
Number of samples distributed
Full time agency staff
Number of field staff
Markets Served*
* We serve all U.S. Hispanic DMAs.
Focus in CA, TX, AZ, NV, NM, IL, NY, GA, FL, CO, WI
The DTH Mission
We strive to obtain measurable results that meet or exceed expectations!
DirecToHispanic is a Retail Marketing Agency that bridges the gap between brands and familias.
The DTH Way
Define | Transform | Honor
Recent Work
We love our clients and showing off what our team can do!
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Let’s Collaborate
Have a specific project in mind? A challenge that needs to be addressed? Have questions about Hispanic Retail Marketing?
Let’s discuss your challenges and working together to address your brand’s needs. We are here to guide you.